yachties, we will do pretty much anything for a free drink or meal.
Although in a previous post I mentioned for the previous 2 weeks we
have done 'more work, less play' – we of course did go out to play
a few times if only to keep our sanity. One of these times took us to
a wine tasting event set up by our friends on La Luna. Accompanied by
home made appetisers a group of yachties met up at a wine warehouse.
For $10 that bought us a glass and as much wine as we could take
steered by the owner who was educating us on what we were drinking.
Obviously the intention was for us to buy a crate at the end but
Dylan and I just went along for the cheap wine. Around 10 of us sat
on a wooden bench, outside a warehouse in the middle of a car park
whilst we sipped away at his bordeauxs, merlots, cabernet sauvignons
and chardonnays– a rather surreal experience. A rather civilised
affair to start with listening intently to his explanations, we soon
got stuck in to finding our favourites and devouring the appetisers
during happy hour 4 – 7pm.
7pm, not wanting to go back to the boat just yet, word went round
that there was free food and drinks going at a nearby casino. Not
ones to turn down this type of opportunity we all got in our dinghies
and formed a line speeding over to the Princess casino, headlamps on
and navigating the numerous buoys littered around the lagoon, in the
arrival we were ushered into this plush room crammed with machines,
roulette tables and bars. Luckily we had got out of our rust stained
clothes we usually wear so didn't feel too out of place and it was
here I had my first gambling experience (unless horse racing counts).
Dylan entrusted me with $1 and some experienced ladies took me over
to the 1 cent slot machines. I was then taught how to use the machine
and make the dollar last for as long as possible until the food
arrived. So there we were, a line of ladies betting 1c at a time,
being provided with numerous potent g&ts from our very own
waitress. The guys went off to observe the big boys at the roulette
tables. At 9:30 the food arrives and we toddle off to find tonight is
'Italian night'. We piled our plates high with food and went back to
a machine putting a further $1 in and being supplied with more
drinks. As long as we were playing, we weren't paying!
After din dins, a singer
came on accompanied by a grand piano. Whilst I was at the bar
ordering some soft drinks and singing away with him, the singer comes
up behind me and dares me to join him. Well I'm not one to back down
on a dare so I take the mic and continue singing 'Everything I Do',
my voice blaring out to the whole casino. I turn to find Dylan and
see him and the rest of the party looking back at me open mouthed not
believing I had the courage to do that.
over at around 11pm having spent $6 between us (big spenders!) we
called it a night and we all swayed out of the casino and back to our
dinghies where we had a 2 mile ride ahead of us. Great night made
even better by the lack of money leaving our wallets.
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